Shoe Circus Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates Microsoft Commercial

Microsoft launched their advertising campaign that features Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates exchanging ideas on the "Future" of Microsoft. If you read many of the discussions about this commercial you'll know that many people don't like it. I am in the minority, I like it.First of all its not selling any product, the commercial does not mention Vista (so its not about Vista), but a new look of Microsoft's bright future. Notice the melody at the end, preceded with words FUTURE and DELICIOUS. Something aesthetically pleasing? Why Bill is at a discount shoe store. Why p-leather? Is Microsoft investing in cheaper affordable hardware? Shoppers at the window commenting the type of shoe and how it runs tight. Was Seinfeld worth the reported $10 million he earned for doing the ad, or the reported $300 million it cost, figures I doubt are very accurate.
The Microsoft "Shoe Circus" Commercial with Bill Gates & Jerry Seinfeld, sorry but I like it.

According to an article by Reuters, "Microsoft said the commercial is part of a broader, long-term initiative to change consumers' perception of Windows, which will include setting up a retail corner at several hundred Best Buy and Circuit City stores staffed by "Windows Gurus" to explain the benefits of Windows."