Amnesty International World Leaders "We Can Change What They Do"

Funny commercial from Amnesty International, "We Can Change What They Do". Award winning TV Spot by Scholz & Friends, Germany has us admiring the great present day world leaders and the message in this public awareness campaign: we can change what they do. Come on, it is pretty funny.

This spot was a 2008 ward show winner at the Cresta Awards 2008 TV/Cinema/Digital Winner.
Agency: Scholz & Friends
Creative Director: Oliver Handlos / Wolf Schneider / Matthias Spaetgens
Copywriter: Edgar Linscheid / Fabio Straccia
Art Director: Sara Vieira
Agency Producer: Nina Heyn / Nele Juergens / Daniel Klessig
Production Company: Markenfilm Berlin GmbH
Director: Benjamin Wolff
Cinematographer: Lutz Hattenhauer