Jillz Sparkling Cider "Fresh Men" Advert

New Dutch commercial for Jillz, Proef Jillz Sparkling Cider a new brand made by Heineken. The ad features four men in a romp through nature to the music of Kool & The Gang "Fresh".
The four gorgeous, muscular, apple-plucking hunks are in fact, according to Pink and Poodle the ad agency behind the Jillz spot "a total rethink of the human condition as it pertains to the gender wars. In advertising for men, seductive females are almost standard issue, whereas male eye candy for women is still somewhat taboo," the press release reads. "This is because the advertising community is still in the firm grip of unrelenting alpha males. In the commercial, which is shot as a music video, the four singing hunks do not address women as the usual stereotypes of housewife, sex kitten, blond bimbo or business type. Instead, the ad aims at a more elementary level of their femininity—the evolutionary instinct to discuss, judge and select attractive men." Not my words, those are the words of Pink and Poodle.
Now that you have watched the spot be honest with me, this really isn't for women is it?
Agency: Pink and Poodle, Amsterdam
Art Director: Wencke van Amstel
Copywriter: Olaf Zwetsloot
Production Company: Fat Fred's Film Company, Amsterdam
Director: Youth Club (Matt Nee and Orlando Cubitt)
Executive Producer: Suzanne Huisman
Producer: Jones Kuhne
DP: Terence Maritz
Production Manager: Emily Scott
Offline Editor: Martin Heijgelaar
Post-Production: Glassworks
Sound: Ignaz Bruens of Kaiser Sound Studios
Music: Steven Craenmehr of MassiveMusic, Amsterdam, based on Kool & The Gang, "Fresh"