Lindsey Vonn Likes the White Stuff in 'Got Milk' Print Ad Campaign

Lindsey Vonn does print ads for "Got Milk?".

Gold medal-winning  downhill  skier Lindsey Vonn is  the  latest  calicium-conscious
athlete to don the famous milk moustache for the Body by Milk nutritional campaign.
Vonn  recently  unveiled  two  new “Got Milk?”  ads  to  help    share the benefits of
drinking low-fat milk. “Whether pouring it on your cereal or drinking it in a smoothie,
latte, or straight up in a glass,  a healthy diet with low-fat milk can help you look and
feel  great.  They say you are what you eat.    So drinking  lowfat milk helps give me
confidence  that  my body’s  getting  nutrients  it  needs  to  be  my  best and to look
my best.”