Wrath of the Storm UAE Armed Forces TV SPOT

This is the latest handiwork from Nola Pictures Director Chris Hartwill, who teamed up with Eye Squad, Dubai to showcase the fighting power of this uprising nation.
A golden desert panorama, silent F-16 fighter jets, a placid sea. Suddenly, a giant, surreal sand tsunami is rising over the horizon, and the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces launch. The footage then toggles back and forth between a high-tech command center and a fusillade of furious weaponry: F-16s, battle ships, tanks, armored jeeps, and helicopters. Soldiers swarm from aircraft, seacraft and by land. In the end, the force is overwhelming - the menacing desert tidal wave sinks harmlessly into the earth.
"The commercial portrays UAE's armed forces as the highly sophisticated, modern, well equipped, technologically state of the art, premier fighting force that they are," noted Nola EP Charlie Curran. "Chris Hartwill delivered just that, bringing all his knowledge, talent and experience to the table to produce an incredible spot. He is a complete filmmaker, a director who knows how to get things done, leading his clients and crew with confidence and vision."

Such a wild shoot is sure to have some wild stories behind it. The best line heard at pre-production, according to Hartwill, "Chris, how many F-16s would you like, and where would you like us to park them?"
Client: UAE Armed Forces
Spot Title: Wrath of the Storm
Agency: Polkadot, UAE
Creative Director: Pia Abou Jaoudeh
Agency Producer: Joyce Amm
Production Company: Eye Squad, UAE
Executive Producer: Omar Sami
Producer: Hermann Meingast
DP: Franco Paroni
Director: Chris Hartwill
Production Company: Nola Pictures (North American Representation)
EP: Charlie Curran
Editorial: Optix Digital Pictures, UAE
Editors: David Zavadescu (Optix Digital Pictures, UAE), Pawel Kseizopolski (Smoke & Mirrors, UK)
Post: Smoke & Mirrors, UK
Artist: Tony Lawrence
Telecine: Smoke & Mirrors, UK

Attribution: Written content created by TRUST: http://www.trustcollective.com
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Share Alike