Having a Foggy Moment - Optifog: The Butcher The Dog The Doll

Funny new commercials for Optifog, the 3 TV Ads show us scenarios that really may not be too far off from actually happening to anyone who wears glasses having a foggy moment. Well now you can stop the fog with Optifog Lenses.
Optifog - The Butcher

Optifog - The Doll and a Hot Dog Bun

Optifog - The Dog

Advertising Agency: Herezie, Paris, France
Executive Creative Director: Andrea Stillacci
Copywriters: Jean-Laurent Py, Edouard Dorbais
Art Directors: Remy Arnaud, Julian Brice, Sebastien Boutebel
Agency Producer: Barbara Vaira
Head of planning: Luc Wise
Planners: Celine Choueri, Delphine Monnier
Director: Christopher Hutsul
Cinematographer: Tico Poulakakis
Production Company : Hard Citizen
Executive Producers : Eva Preger, Jacinte Faria, Link York
Producer: Nick Sorbara
Production Manager: Roman Hul
Audio: Vapor Music
Editing: Ross Birchall, Bijou Editorial
Post Production: Alter Ego