Ashley Madison Commercial gets pulled from ESPN

Ashley Madison dot com new racy TV commercial was created specifically much tamer than most of their advertising spots just so they could be aired on ESPN. The new spot was to be less risque so prime time wouldn't go all nuts when it aired .
ESPN pulled the Ashley Madison commercial right away but not after a few affiliates aired the commercial, stating that the Ashley Madison TV spot was not appropriate. Bob Garfield an Advertising Age columnist had this to say about Ashley Madison:
"They're ADVERTISING FOR ADULTERY! That's what they're doing wrong.The media are responsible for being the gatekeepers of their own medium. It's certainly within their rights, and they do all the time decide whether a given message is inappropriate for any number of reasons. In this case, I think not only did they make the right decision, they made the only correct decision."
The Full Reuters news report,

Is it just me, I can't believe that they have over 2.5 million paid members, and the Ashley Madison slogan "Life is Short, Have an Affair".

The unedited Ashley Madison TV commercial that aired on ESPN.

Controversial Ashley Madison commercial, the TV spot goes on to state that this couple is married, but not to each other. What a sad sad world we live in. ESPN had every right to pull this ad.