MTV's Inventive Popping Promo Ad "Balloons"

MTV Brazil with ad agency Loducca Sao Paulo have created an ingenious new promo ad campaign titled 'Balloons' for their South American TV market. Similar to flip book animation, the clever ad utilizes a low tech yet inventive animation technique where a traveling spike pops hundreds of balloons along a track. Their actual stick figure animation is not only very inventive but also very entertaining, as the cool story starts off with a simple egg and leads to record contracts and Slash morphing into Eminem.

Advertising Agency: Loducca Sao Paulo, Brazil
Creative: Dulcidio Caldeira, Andre Faria, Guga Ketzer
Creative Director: Cassio Moron, Marco Monteiro, Pedro Guerra
General Creative Director: Guga Ketzer
Executive Creative Producer: Sid Fernandes, Ana Luisa Andre
RTV: Karina Vadasz
Production: Paranoid
Director: Duldicio Caldeira
Photography: Alexandre Ermel
Animation/Illustration: Daniel Semanas/Paranoid Lab
Executive Producer: Egisto Betti
Final Art: Sindicato VFX
Sound Track: Hilton Raw