New "Hot Wheels for Real" Ad May Sell to Kids but is Made for Dads

In an attempt to connect to with both their core demographic as well as an older audience, Hot Wheels and LA based ad agency Mistress have created a cool spot that will resonate with kids of all ages. The cool toy ad features some impressive car stunts as it tells the common narrative of a boy imagining his Hot Wheels was a real car. This global Hot Wheels campaign is another example of the legendary toy brands adage that if you get the big boys excited the little boys will follow.

Advertising Agency: Mistress, Los Angeles, USA
Agency Producer: Kay Lynn Dutcher
Production Company: Bandito Brothers
Executive Producer: Jeff Rohrer
Producer: Ryan Slavin
Director: Mike "Mouse" McCoy
D.O.P: Dean Mitchell
Cameraman: Mike Svitak
Editor: Jeff Tober
Editing Company: Bandito Brothers
Music: Beacon Street Studios / Composed Track
Sound Design: Lime Studios
Post Production: Bandito Brothers
SFX: Cantina Creative