I got a kick out of this and just had to share it, below is a quote from the official blimp website, apperently the blimp is returning home, they didn't get it off the ground:
"The Ron Paul Blimp and Liberty Political Advertising are not affiliated with the official Ron Paul Campaign in anyway. Thanks so much to everyone who made this project a huge success. Current Blimp status: The blimp is headed back home to it's hangar in Elizabeth City, NC.
The blimp did not receive enough sponsorships to keep it afloat any longer. We will be keeping the banners in hopes of flying the blimp for "round 2" in a few months. If you would like to sponsor the blimp we would still appreciate it as we still have a balance due to Airship Management Services. "

source: dcist.com - The legality of this high flying venture seems dubious at best. First of all, Ron Paul's zealous supporters have set up a for-profit corporation called Liberty Political Advertising LLC to raise money for the blimp in an effort to skirt campaign contribution laws. Individuals are limited by law to giving $2,300 to a presidential campaign, but RonPaulBlimp.com is encouraging people to donate anywhere from $10 to $1 million in support of the blimp advertising campaign.