Sonal Dabral, of Bates141, Singapore, explains the idea behind the Sony Domino's commercial:
“In this commercial we introduce the large dominoes into the setting with an intriguing chemistry of hyper-real dominoes set against the exotic naturalism of the location. The vibrancy and accuracy of the new BRAVIA is perfectly illustrated by the colorful dominoes. These dominoes are the full gambit – the full spectrum of colour, seen in among the hennas and browns and ivories of this earthy place. The environment offered a great canvas for us to reinforce the spectrum of color for BRAVIA, set against the primarily sepia, monochromatic locations.”

Agency: Bates141, Singapore
Executive Creative Director: Sonal Dabral
Creative Director: Travis Sorge, general advertising manager Edward Pank and account director Sharon Sarinas.
Filming by: Nic Finlayson of Film Construction
Executive Producer: Roy De Giorgio
Produced by: Phil Liefting.