1. The Force: Volkswagen (2011)
We all eventually have to come to grips with the fact that we aren't Jedis. Except this kid. He doesn't.This hilarious ad, with 5.24 million social shares, proves one thing: Star Wars always works.VIDEO: YOUTUBE, VOLKSWAGEN2. Budweiser: 9/11 Tribute (2002)
Only airing once, so as not to benefit the company financially, this ad by Budweiser paid tribute to the victims of Sept. 11.Incredibly, it's been shared 3.34 million times on social networks and blogs.VIDEO: YOUTUBE, TECNODAVID1234563. Budweiser: Brotherhood (2013)
Ah, the classic bromance between a man and his famous horse. This tearjerker from Budweiser in 2013 has 2.73 million social shares.We're not sure if it's the story or the use of "Landslide," but we're just going to go over here and watch this one 100 more times real quick. Don't mind any distracting sobbing noises, it's nothing.VIDEO: YOUTUBE, NFL TV SUPER BOWL ADS4. Ram Trucks: Farmer (2013)
Radio broadcaster Paul Harvey's famous "God Made a Farmer" speech, coupled with compelling images depicting life for an American farmer, make this ad work. It's been shared 1.89 million times on social.VIDEO: YOUTUBE, RAM5. Fast and Furious 6: Big Game Spot (2013)
With 1.51 million social shares, the Super Bowl ad for Fast and Furious 6 helped the film reach $788 million in worldwide total gross.VIDEO: YOUTUBE, FAST & FURIOUS6. Chevrolet: OK Go, "Needing/Getting" (2012)
Popular alt-rock band OK Go successfully tried their hand at stunt driving in this awesome Super Bowl spot, which has garnered 1.25 million social shares.VIDEO: YOUTUBE, OK GO7. Volkswagen: The Bark Side (2012)
We repeat: Star Wars always works. And this Volkswagen ad shows that dogs don't hurt either. It's received more than 901,000 shares.VIDEO: YOUTUBE, I AM INDY8. Universal: Fast Five Trailer (2011)
People love the Fast and Furious films, huh? This Super Bowl ad for the series' fifth installment has been shared more than 888,000 times.VIDEO: YOUTUBE, IGN9. Paramount: Star Trek Into Darkness Trailer (2013)
Another film trailer, this one for Paramount's second Star Trek reboot has accrued more than 700,000 social shares.VIDEO: YOUTUBE, JOBLO.COM10. M&M: Sexy And I Know It (2012)
If you can fit nudity and chocolate into one 30-second bit, you deserve an Advertiser of the Year prize.This hilarious M&M party scene has been shared nearly 550,000 thousand times.